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TALK - "Malmesbury During The Childhood of Thomas Hobbes" by Tony McAleavy 7pm for 7.30pm at Malmesbury Town Hall

Well known local historian and author, Tony McAleavy, will be giving an illustrated talk about Malmesbury during Thomas Hobbes’s life here. Starting with his birth in rural Malmesbury, at the time of the Spanish Armada in 1588, from his disreputable father to the support from his family and when he took a radically different path to Magdalen, Oxford University. You will hear how living in his home town helped shape the great man he was to become.

The talk will be in the Assembly Room of Malmesbury Town Hall SN16 9BZ and will start at 7.30pm, please arrive from 7pm onwards. There will be a bar available to purchase drinks. Tickets are £10 each and are available to purchase online via Malmesbury Town Council’s website here or go to and search for Hobbes. Tickets may also be purchased from the counter of the Tourist Information Centre at Malmesbury Town Hall.

Parking can be limited in Malmesbury, so if you are visiting, we suggest you consider parking either in the Cross Hayes Car Park SN16 9BZ in the centre of Malmesbury in front of the Town Hall, or in the Long Stay Car Park SN16 9JT. The latter accesses the Town behind Malmesbury Abbey up a fairly long set of steps, so you might want to drop off passengers in town before parking.