It is with much pleasure that THoMS are announcing the first of a new kind of THOMAS HOBBES FESTIVAL in Malmesbury from Fri 4th to Sun 6th April 2025. There will be an ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIG with Cotswold Archaeology on the site of Thomas’s family home, ILLUSTRATED TALKS by guest speakers, GUIDED WALKS and more! This will be a combination of free and paid for events, so we do hope you will join us on our new advernture!
Kim Power (Chair) and the THoMS Committee.
Thomas Hobbes
William cavendish, 2nd Earl of Devonshire
Thomas Hobbes - Philosopher
Thomas Hobbes, born in Malmesbury, Wiltshire in 1588, was a polymath – a philosopher, poet, classicist, mathematician and scientist. His historical claim to fame lies in the fact that, by general consensus, he is England’s most important philosopher and a founder of modern political philosophy or what in many universities today is known as ‘political science’.